I was lucky enough to be able to interview the gorgeous Deirdre, known on Stardoll as DeirdreLover101. She is really friendly, and can I ask you all to check out, and consider joining her 2 great clubs, girly-power & free_make_overs!
S-Hello Deirdre. It's nice to finally be doing this!
D-Yeah, thanks for choosing me!
S-No problem. I see you have some pretty awesome collectors items around the place, what do you collect?
D-really what ever catches my eye like old dkny hb's and any other old rare items like the voile gifts and heidi clum dress
S-You have some really cool stuff ! So, do you have any interesting clubs?
D-ya i have 2 girly-power and free_make_overs but neither are doing so well. girly-power has alot of people but it isnt very active so im looking for a co-owner to help me get it more fun.
S-Awh, that's a real shame. Maybe some of our readers will join :)
D-Hopefully lol.
S-So, what is your favourite part of Stardoll?
D-well when i first came her it was going to the starbazaar and finding cool things but now i find meeting new people from around the world and learning about buisness is the best part
S-That's really cool! So, how often do you go on Stardoll?
D-lol i go on alot i am 100% in love with this website so i would say i go one at least 10 mins every day if posible. but if i have time i spend hrs on it
S-That's really interesting. So, when did you first join?
D-well i had a stardoll when i was in 4th grade so that was 3 years ago but i left but last winter i remembered about stardoll so i came back and made this account and i played on it and them in march.. i became a super star
S-Yeah, being a Superstar is great!
D-ya it is so much more fun
S-So, I guess this is the end of our interview. It has been a pleasure featuring you on our blog. Please keep checking for the interview to be published.
D-thx, talk to you later.
S-Byebye. xoxo