In the club we are currently having a comp to get a new writer. If you are interested, write an article and post it in the discussion.
With Love, Susannah123. xoxo
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Interview with: Deirdrelover101
I was lucky enough to be able to interview the gorgeous Deirdre, known on Stardoll as DeirdreLover101. She is really friendly, and can I ask you all to check out, and consider joining her 2 great clubs, girly-power & free_make_overs!
S-Hello Deirdre. It's nice to finally be doing this!
D-Yeah, thanks for choosing me!
S-No problem. I see you have some pretty awesome collectors items around the place, what do you collect?
D-really what ever catches my eye like old dkny hb's and any other old rare items like the voile gifts and heidi clum dress
S-You have some really cool stuff ! So, do you have any interesting clubs?
D-ya i have 2 girly-power and free_make_overs but neither are doing so well. girly-power has alot of people but it isnt very active so im looking for a co-owner to help me get it more fun.
S-Awh, that's a real shame. Maybe some of our readers will join :)
D-Hopefully lol.
S-So, what is your favourite part of Stardoll?
D-well when i first came her it was going to the starbazaar and finding cool things but now i find meeting new people from around the world and learning about buisness is the best part
S-That's really cool! So, how often do you go on Stardoll?
D-lol i go on alot i am 100% in love with this website so i would say i go one at least 10 mins every day if posible. but if i have time i spend hrs on it
S-That's really interesting. So, when did you first join?
D-well i had a stardoll when i was in 4th grade so that was 3 years ago but i left but last winter i remembered about stardoll so i came back and made this account and i played on it and them in march.. i became a super star
S-Yeah, being a Superstar is great!
D-ya it is so much more fun
S-So, I guess this is the end of our interview. It has been a pleasure featuring you on our blog. Please keep checking for the interview to be published.
D-thx, talk to you later.
S-Byebye. xoxo
Thursday, August 13, 2009
New !

Stardoll have recently changed yet another part of our Stardoll. They changed the starplaza browser - pitty that the new icons don't even work. When yo usearch them it is completly blank.
What else will they change ? I personally think the new browser has not as good measurments as once before . Too many colours for too little space !
Sara <3 , BrilliantSara
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Another Change !
Hotbuys August

HB Sunglasses: Really cute! 8/10
HB Jacket: Cute and trendy! 8/10
HB Shorts: Depends how you wear them 6/10
HB Sweater: Personally, I don't like it. 3/10
HB Full Skirt: Nice, apart from Strange Shape... 4/10
HB Knee Socks: Stardoll needs more socks! 7/10
HB Purse: Cute, if you're seven! 3/10
HB Shoes: Abseloutely Ahh-Dorable! 9/10
HB Top: I like top's that cover my belly... 3/10
HB Earrings: Bee-yoo-tee-full ! 10/10
With Love, Susannah123. xoxo
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
xsabihax on: What a Non-SS Can Do
What A Non-Superstar Can Do
Well first of all my name is Sabiha, I am 12 years old and I have been a member of stardoll since October 2007. Being Non-Superstar is not all that bad but i'm sure every one else, like myself would want to be superstar. But the problem is many parents would not want to waste money on websites for kids, especially while the recession is going on.
Anyway, going back to my main point, I have never ever been a Superstar on stardoll and at first I wished I was one, but now I think im doing fine for a Non-Superstar.
Now for stardoll, well there's lots of different opinions, but my opinion is that stardoll is fair but they should also let non-superstars get a bit of a taste of being a superstar. Stardoll has made many positive changes but have also made many negative changes.
Some of the positive changes are:
. They have lots of new shops
. Few chances of getting free gifts
. New hairstyles
. More sales
. When members join now they get many gifts and lots of money
Some of the negative changes are:
. Sales are made only for superstars
. non-superstars only get 10 pages in album
. Now only allowed to make certain amount of scenerys
. Nearly all dresses are for superstars
Ok, so i'm nearly to the end of this little chat but i want to give you a few tips on how to make a great suite. Firstly SAVE UP, you want enough money to buy things and you don't want to loose all your money in one go. Secondly be prepared for exciting new things to emerge, like the new kohl's shop, it just appeared one day in starplaza and if you had saved up then you would have been able to buy quite a few things. DO NOT BE Stingy with your money, spend it how you like but make sure you don't loose it all in one go, leave some for a rainy day lol.
Some other tips>>> Spend on furniture that actually goes well with the other furniture in that certain room. Be creative, don't just do simple boring things, base it on a certain background and most of all let your imagination go wild!!!!
Well That's All From Me, I Hope I Helped And I Would Really Like To Thank The Stardoll Spies For Giving Me The Oppurtunity Of Being On Their Blog.
With Luv Sabiha...x
♥ . . . ѕαвιнα . . . ♥
♥ . . . ѕαвιнα . . . ♥
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sugarsweet25wow on: Best Suites
Im Katie.
Im here as your first guest writer on this blog and am also here to tell you about the best suites I've seen on stardoll.
On stardoll Im known as Sugarsweet25wow and recently, I've been looking out for the sweetest suites on Stardoll.
It went from imagination all the way to just creativity.

"This girl had a target and hit the bullseye!"
Creativity: 4/5
Imagination: 3/5
Overall Mark : 7/10
"Best kitchen on Stardoll!"
"...using buckets and buckets of imagination."
"Her bedroom amazed me..."
Creativity: 5/5
Imagination: 4/5
Overall Mark: 9/10

"The best interior kitchen on all of Stardoll!"

"The amazing scuba on the mannequin..."
Creativity: 4/5
Imagination: 4/5
Overall Mark: 8/10
Thanks for reading!
Guest Writer
Not so sure . .
Outfit of the Day !
Saturday, August 1, 2009
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